467 research outputs found

    Modèle spatiaux des États de l’Asie du Sud-Est continentale

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    Dans les quatre pays de l'Asie du Sud-Est continentale appartenant à l'aire du bouddhisme Theravada, Birmanie, Thaïlande, Laos, Cambodge, on observe la persistance d'un modèle spatial en auréoles concentriques d'inégal développement et de contrôle décroissant du pouvoir central. L'origine de ce modèle est à rechercher dans les muang ou principautés de la période précoloniale dont l'autonomie n'était limitée que par la constitution de royaumes forts (Birmanie, Siam). La colonisation et la pénétration de l'économie capitaliste n'ont pas réussi à intégrer véritablement les espaces nationaux malgré le développement des réseaux de communication et la rationalisation de l'administration territoriale. La Thaïlande, non directement colonisée, a poussé le plus loin l'unification de son territoire national grâce à la continuité de son institution monarchique et à l'intégration de sa bourgeoisie d'origine chinoise. Les deux États-tampons, Laos et Cambodge, ainsi que la Birmanie, marqués par le sous-développement économique et la très faible intégration de leur auréole externe, ont tendance à devenir des périphéries de la Thaïlande, en particulier de son centre Bangkok où s'accumulent population, activités et capitaux.Within four states of continental Southeast Asia and of the Theravada buddhist cultural area, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, we observe the persistency of a concentric circle spatial model of uneven development and decreasing control of the central power. This model originates from the muang or principality of the precolonial period whose autonomy was challenged only by the rise of strong kingdoms (Burma, Siam). The colonization and the penetration of the capitalist economy did not succeed in truly integrating the national space in spite of the development of communication networks and of the rationalization of territorial administration. Thailand, not directly colonized, has gone the farthest in the way of a unified national territory because of the continuity of its monarchy and the integration of her Chinese bourgeoisie. The two buffer-states of Laos and Cambodia, and Burma are still economically underdeveloped and have a very loosely integrated external ring. The present trend for them is to become peripheries to Thailand and especially its center Bangkok where population, activity and capital accumulate

    La géographie revient au premier plan

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    Évolution de la formation sociale et transformation de l’organisation de l’espace dans le Nord de la Thaïlande (1850-1977)

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    Le Nord de la Thaïlande, isolé et très mal contrôlé jusqu'à la fin du XIXe siècle, a été peu à peu intégré dans l'espace national Thaï à la suite des réformes de Chulalongkorn et de la création d'un réseau de transports modernes. L'abolition de l'esclavage, le remplacement de la rente travail par la rente argent, ont marqué l'évolution de la formation sociale siamoise et permis la pénétration du capitalisme marchand dans les campagnes du Nord. Cette pénétration n'a pris de l'importance qu'après 1950 avec le développement de cultures commerciales et la différenciation ville-campagne. La petite production marchande qui est le fait d'une paysannerie parcellaire caractérise la plus grande partie du Nord. Mais le capital financier transnational s'investit dans des agro-industries qui essaient de contrôler de plus en plus les petites exploitations. Ces transformations dans les rapports de production et les forces productives d'une formation sociale dont le mode de production dominant d'« asiatique » devient capitaliste, ont eu des conséquences sur l'organisation de l'espace. Au système spatial en auréoles, hérité des formations sociales à mode de production « asiatique » dominant, se substitue de plus en plus une différenciation de l'espace en fonction de la plus ou moins grande pénétration du mode de production capitaliste. Une analyse concrète des rapports sociaux en relation avec les structures spatiales héritées ou actuelles à une échelle régionale est un préalable à toute critique de l'aménagement du territoire.Isolated and poorly controlled until the end of the XIXe century, Northern Thaïland has gradually been integrated in the Thai national space following the reforms enacted during the reign of Chulalongkorn and the creation of a modem transport network. The abolition of slavery, the replacement of kind by cash for the payment of land rent have been determinant in the evolution of the Siamese social formation and have permitted the penetration of merchant capitalism in the countryside of the North. This penetration only became important after 1950 with the development of cash crops and the increasing town-country differentiation. Petty commodity production carried out by the small land bound peasantry is characteristic of most of the Northern region. But transnational financial capital is being invested in agro-industries which attempt to increasingly control the small production units. These transformations in the relations of production and of productive forces in a social formation whose dominant mode of production from « Asiatic » is becoming capitalist, have had consequences on the organization of space. To a spatial System in rings, inherited from social formations dominated by the asiatic mode of production, is substituted a spatial differentiation which is a function of the lesser or greater penetration of the capitalist mode of production. A concrete analysis of social relations in their linkages with inherited or actual social structures at the regional level is a prerequisite to any criticism of land planning

    Фразеологическая единица как объект изучения

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    Проблема выделения и определения языковых единиц – одна из наиболее трудных в лингвистике. Лингвист идет «по следам» живых носителей языка, пытаясь установить, как сами говорящие выделяют для себя какие-то единицы из того речевого потока, который только и является реальным существованием и проявлением языковой системы. Обучаясь речи естественным образом (т.е. в процессе общения, а не специального обучения), мы стремимся расчленить речевой поток, выделить из него и запомнить какие-то минимальные компоненты (разных уровней) и модели, с помощью которых можно потом строить свою собственную речь. Тем самым отбрасывается индивидуальное речевое, и усваиваются определенные стабильные элементы, обладающие относительной самостоятельностью формы и содержания

    Investigation of the Structural Fuse Concept

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    Passive energy dissipation (PED devices have been implemented to enhance structural performance by reducing seismically induced structural damage. In this paper metallic dampers are defined to be structural fuses (SF) when they are designed such that all damage is concentrated on the PED devices, allowing the primary structure to remain elastic. Following a damaging earthquake, only the dampers would need to be replaced, making repair works easier and more expedient. Furthermore, SF introduce self-centering capabilities to the structure in that, once the ductile fuse devices have been removed, the elastic structure would return to its original position. A comprehensive parametric study is conducted leading to the formulation of the SF concept, and allowing to identify the possible combinations of key parameters essential to ensure adequate seismic for SF systems. Nonlinear time history analyses are conducted for several combinations of parameters, in order to cover the range of feasible designs. The structural fuse concept can be implemented in new or existing structures using various kinds of metallic passive energy dissipating (PED) elements. This paper describes how to use metallic dampers to implement the SF concept and improve the structural behavior of systems under seismic loads. Detailed design process is presented, as well as the modifications necessary to the process for retrofitting applications.Passive energy dissipation (PED devices have been implemented to enhance structural performance by reducing seismically induced structural damage. In this paper metallic dampers are defined to be structural fuses (SF) when they are designed such that all damage is concentrated on the PED devices, allowing the primary structure to remain elastic. Following a damaging earthquake, only the dampers would need to be replaced, making repair works easier and more expedient. Furthermore, SF introduce self-centering capabilities to the structure in that, once the ductile fuse devices have been removed, the elastic structure would return to its original position. A comprehensive parametric study is conducted leading to the formulation of the SF concept, and allowing to identify the possible combinations of key parameters essential to ensure adequate seismic for SF systems. Nonlinear time history analyses are conducted for several combinations of parameters, in order to cover the range of feasible designs. The structural fuse concept can be implemented in new or existing structures using various kinds of metallic passive energy dissipating (PED) elements. This paper describes how to use metallic dampers to implement the SF concept and improve the structural behavior of systems under seismic loads. Detailed design process is presented, as well as the modifications necessary to the process for retrofitting applications

    Analytical Investigation of the Structural Fuse Concept

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    Passive energy devices (PED) are useful to enhance structural performance by reducing seismically induced structural damage. Metallic dampers are one such PED. When they are designed such that all damage is concentrated on the PED devices, allowing the primary structure to remain elastic, they can be defined as structural fuses (SF). A comprehensive parametric study was conducted to investigate the structural fuse concept, and to identify combinations of key parameters essential to ensure adequate seismic performance for structural fuse systems. Non- linear time history analyses were conducted for several combinations of parameters, chosen to cover a range of feasible designs. Viable combinations of parameters are identified and used to provide guidelines to design and retrofit systems using Buckling-restrained Braces (BRBs), Triangular Added Damping and Stiffness (T- ADAS), and Shear Panels (SPs), examples of metallic dampers working as structural fuses. Studies focus on the application of the structural fuse concept to single- and multi-degree-of- freedom systems. Tables, many illustrations, and references are included.Passive energy devices (PED) are useful to enhance structural performance by reducing seismically induced structural damage. Metallic dampers are one such PED. When they are designed such that all damage is concentrated on the PED devices, allowing the primary structure to remain elastic, they can be defined as structural fuses (SF). A comprehensive parametric study was conducted to investigate the structural fuse concept, and to identify combinations of key parameters essential to ensure adequate seismic performance for structural fuse systems. Non- linear time history analyses were conducted for several combinations of parameters, chosen to cover a range of feasible designs. Viable combinations of parameters are identified and used to provide guidelines to design and retrofit systems using Buckling-restrained Braces (BRBs), Triangular Added Damping and Stiffness (T- ADAS), and Shear Panels (SPs), examples of metallic dampers working as structural fuses. Studies focus on the application of the structural fuse concept to single- and multi-degree-of- freedom systems. Tables, many illustrations, and references are included

    Experimental Validation of the Structural Fuse Concept

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    Seismic design relies on inelastic deformations through hysteretic behavior. However, this translates into damage on structural elements, permanent system deformations following an earthquake, and possibly high cost for repairs. An alternative design approach is to concentrate damage on disposable and easy to repair structural elements, while the main structure is designed to remain elastic or with minor inelastic deformations. The implementation of the structural fuse concept into actual buildings would benefit from a systematic and simple design procedure. Such a general procedure is proposed in this paper for designing new or retrofitted structures. The proposed structural fuse design procedure for MDOF structures relies on results of a parametric study, considering the behavior of nonlinear SDOF systems subjected to synthetic ground motions. This procedure is illustrated as an example of application using Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) as metallic structural fuses. To verify and validate the developed design procedure, an experimental project was conducted on the shaking table at University at Buffalo, which consists of a three- story frame designed with BRBs working as metallic structural fuses. This experimental project also assesses the replaceability of BRBs designed as sacrificeable and easy-to-repair members.Seismic design relies on inelastic deformations through hysteretic behavior. However, this translates into damage on structural elements, permanent system deformations following an earthquake, and possibly high cost for repairs. An alternative design approach is to concentrate damage on disposable and easy to repair structural elements, while the main structure is designed to remain elastic or with minor inelastic deformations. The implementation of the structural fuse concept into actual buildings would benefit from a systematic and simple design procedure. Such a general procedure is proposed in this paper for designing new or retrofitted structures. The proposed structural fuse design procedure for MDOF structures relies on results of a parametric study, considering the behavior of nonlinear SDOF systems subjected to synthetic ground motions. This procedure is illustrated as an example of application using Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) as metallic structural fuses. To verify and validate the developed design procedure, an experimental project was conducted on the shaking table at University at Buffalo, which consists of a three- story frame designed with BRBs working as metallic structural fuses. This experimental project also assesses the replaceability of BRBs designed as sacrificeable and easy-to-repair members

    Seismic Design of Multi-story Buildings with Metallic Structural Fuses

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    Seismic design relies on inelastic deformations through hysteretic behavior. However, this translates into damage on structural elements, permanent system deformations following an earthquake, and possibly high cost for repairs. An alternative design approach is to concentrate damage on disposable and easy to repair structural elements, while the main structure is designed to remain elastic or with minor inelastic deformations. A systematic procedure is proposed in this paper to design buildings with metallic structural fuses. This design procedure for MDOF structures relies on results of a parametric study, considering the behavior of nonlinear SDOF systems subjected to synthetic ground motions. The proposed procedure has also been illustrated as examples of application using Buckling-restrained braces working as metallic structural fusesSeismic design relies on inelastic deformations through hysteretic behavior. However, this translates into damage on structural elements, permanent system deformations following an earthquake, and possibly high cost for repairs. An alternative design approach is to concentrate damage on disposable and easy to repair structural elements, while the main structure is designed to remain elastic or with minor inelastic deformations. A systematic procedure is proposed in this paper to design buildings with metallic structural fuses. This design procedure for MDOF structures relies on results of a parametric study, considering the behavior of nonlinear SDOF systems subjected to synthetic ground motions. The proposed procedure has also been illustrated as examples of application using Buckling-restrained braces working as metallic structural fuse